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    We’re excited to introduce OxChief. OxChief’s goal is to make driving your mower optional. OxChief provides software and hardware to make this possible. https://github.com/oxchief/oxchief-client https://shop.oxchief.com/ Software written and hardware manufactured in the USA. What I thought would take … Continued

Meet Precision Mule

posted in: Uncategorized | 26

Once you’ve got your autonomous mower running, you’ll likely take a substantial time-hit defining and adjusting the precise path that you want it to cover as it mows the lawn. In ArduPilot world, the set of coordinates (or waypoints) that your rover … Continued

The Taming of the u-blox ZED-F9P

posted in: Uncategorized | 94

When the UPS guy drops off some new long-anticipated electronics component at your front door, you may be hit with two competing thoughts: First-date-level excitement about the capabilities of the new component and the possibilities it will open up for your … Continued

Piecing Together an Auto Mowing Rig

posted in: Uncategorized | 23

There are about 8 months from spring ’till fall in southeastern USA where the grass grows at an ever increasing rate, eventually outpacing even the most avid outdoorsman’s desire to jump on a lawn mower. This simple fact, combined with both a rapid fall … Continued


posted in: Uncategorized | 2

Rover 1 has been a fun project, but Rover 1 is too small for our ambitions. It’s time to start working with a wheelchair-based robot platform. However, before we make the move, let’s make one last modification to Rover 1. … Continued

Rover 1 Arduino RC Code

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In our last post we spent a good bit of time speculating why folks are often afflicted with Codeaphobia. At the end of the post we gave a super-small Arduino program that makes the Arduino’s LED blink. Today, I’m going … Continued

Whoa There Horsey!

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Welcome back my friends! Immediately after hitting publish on the last post, I knew that we had to point the true beginner roboticist to a wonderful tool for starting out in robotics. I highly recommend you consider purchasing a skid-steer … Continued